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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Secrets of the human body

Self-erasing brain: When his eyes focused on a point of view, the brain will automatically erase the memories faded fiddling around. So look overlapping activities continuously, the brain should be erased for 45 minutes each day.

4 color skin: Inherently, the human skin are creamy white. To create the different colors, pigmentation will add yellow, red, formed by the blood vessels under the skin. In addition, the pigment melanin, which is synthesized in skin exposed to ultraviolet rays in sunlight, contributing to black skin. The density of melanin depend on race and living conditions. All the colors blend and create a separate color for each person.

Nose hair does not stand still: The respiratory sinus has many tiny hairs. We constantly vibrate and push the mucus from the nasal cavity to the throat in order to keep your body. Therefore, the benefit of the hair on the respiratory system is not shielded, protected like the task of hair, hairy arms and legs ... that was transporting the body to help clean.

Pericardium: Thin membrane surrounding the heart works to maintain the position of the large and small muscle relaxation is not too high. People with endocarditis very dangerous. The disease can be caused by congenital or phenomenon pericardial injury. When the disease, pericardial will become thicker, compressing blood vessels, causing blood to the heart are difficult to recognize.

Sixth Sense: In addition to the five senses which have, we also add a sense of ownership again, it is the sixth sense. The main senses any combination of brains knows what muscles are working, involving a sense of the size and shape of the body. In this way, it helps you visualize the relationships between the parts of the body. So, you can close your eyes but still easily put his finger to touch any of the parts.
Secrets of the human body
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